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  As a national hi-tech enterprise, Shaanxi MOG Medical Equipment Co., Ltd. was jointly founded in 2012 by Shanghai SSS (Group) Corporation and prestigious universities both in China and overseas. Registered at Xi’an hi-tech industrial development zone as a manufacturer of medical devices, MOG is engaged in the production, sales, service of medical oxygen generator, and entitled as "Pioneering-Enterprise" by Xi'an municipal government and Key Manufacturer of Medical Oxygen Generator by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.

  Targeting development and production of oxygen plant as major business, MOG is focused on the three key areas of oxygen support for medical treatment, diffusive oxygen supply at plateau regions and family oxygen therapies. Series of product pipelines have been developed, such as novel medical oxygen generator, oxygen-generation cabin, oxygen-generation vehicle, portable oxygen generator and diffusive oxygen generator at plateau regions. The company is committed to provide cutting-edge oxygen plants and perfect solutions of oxygen supply for global customers. In 2020, the Medical Oxygen Generator based on Membrane Separation Technique was nominated as "Excellent Domestic Medical Equipment" and included in the "Epidemic-containing Materials Catalog of NCP" by the National Health Commission. The equipment of oxygen generation and supply has been delivered into over hundreds of hospitals, gaining wide recognitions from customers.

  Covering total area of more than 10,000 square meters, the production bases have been established both in Xi'an and Shanghai with systematic accreditation and certification, leading the entrepreneurial trending of China's medical oxygen plant industry. The company is granted with following certifications, such as ISO13485 quality management system for medical equipment, ISO9001 quality management system, ISO14001 environmental management system, ISO 45001 occupational health and safety management system, GB/T 24922 post-sales service system at 5-star level, production qualification of medical device (medical oxygen plant, centralized oxygen supply system, centralized vacuum system), Grade B qualification for mechanical and electrical engineering and GC2 qualification of special equipment installation and modification. An experienced professional service team and more than 20 maintenance stations at 4S-level all over the country are devoted to serve customers with the best quality.

  Innovation, Cooperation, Mutual-benefit and Common-development will be the core value and everlasting goal for MOG to achieve sustainable development.

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